JMU JMU - Department of Computer Science
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Quiz Policies

1 Collaboration

You must work on quizzes entirely on your own. You may request help on general topics from other students and friends. However, when doing so you must never refer to the quiz, either directly or indirectly.

2 Materials

You may use your notes and books/published materials while working on quizzes.

However, you must not refer to solutions and/or answer guides of any kind. This includes, but is not limited to: solutions that were provided to students in other sections and/or semesters and/or universities; instructor's manuals; "expert sources" whether human or not (e.g., AI-based systems); and/or lists of "worked problems". When in doubt, assume that it is inappropriate.

3 Submission

All quizzes must be completed/submitted using Canvas.

In general, you may attempt/submit quizzes multiple times (the number of times will be noted on the assignment, and may vary) to encourage you to learn/understand the material to the best of your ability. The grade on your best attempt/submission will be the one that is recorded.

4 Due Dates/Times

Unless stated otherwise, quizzes must be submitted on or before the due date and time. Quizzes submitted after the due date/time will not be accepted.

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